Mental Health Resources and Information
Crisis Resources
Mecklenburg County Mobile Crisis: (704) 566-3410 (Select Option 1)
Cabarrus County Mobile Crisis: (800) 939-5911
Gaston County Mobile Crisis: (888) 235-HOPE (4673)
NC Mental Health Crisis Services for other counties
Mental health first responders for individuals or groups who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Available 24 hours/365 days a year. They offer emergency psychological assessment, immediate intervention for individuals, family and community crisis events. Although typically they assist persons with mental health, developmental disabilities, or substance abuse issues, they can be utilized to help individuals and families or communities overwhelmed in a situational crisis; such as a victim of crime, hostage situation, witness to violence or fatal or multiple injury scenes, post homicide or suicide
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-TALK (8255)
Connect to a local crisis center 24/7.
Mecklenburg Domestic Violence Crisis Line: (704) 332 2513
Mecklenburg Rape Crisis Line: (704) 375 9900
Union Rape Crisis line: (704) 283 7770
Cabarrus Rape Crisis Line: (704) 721 0110
General Resources
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Learn more about symptoms and resources for child and adolescent mental illness and substance use concerns. Includes up-to-date information about specific disorders (ADHD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, autism, and others) and psychiatric medications. Explains what a child psychiatrist does and how to locate psychiatrists in your area.
American Psychiatric Association
Learn more about specific topics in mental health including symtoms, prevalence, up-to-date treatment options, and support resources. Easy to search by mental illness and population.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Helpline: (800) 950-6264 (NAMI)
NAMI is a large national organization dedicated to helping parents help their children with mental illness get the services they need. NAMI has chapters, called affiliates, all over the United States and offers a rich array of services and opportunities. This is the place to start when you go looking for support and education. NAMI sponsors parents’ groups, siblings’ groups, and offers the Family-to-Family education program, a free 12-week course in living with a person with mental illness, taught by family members. NAMI’s website also has many helpful links and lots of information about mental illness, treatment, advocacy, and support.
National Institute of Mental Health
Division of the National Institutes of Health (U.S. government health research) that focuses on research about mental illness and mental health issues.
Provides resources on a variety of health issues, prescription medication and supplements, family, lifestyle, and the latest in health news.